A warm scarf crafted from soft camel hair. It's embellished with fringes and long enough to ensure it wraps around with comfort.
Prada Shaker Knit Scarf Svarte | 951-NFJCIA
Prada Re-nylon Gabardine And Wool Scarf Svarte | 930-ZKTDGC
Prada Double Cashmere Scarf Anthracite Gray | 981-ZKWBQS
Prada Wool Twill Scarf Slate Gray | 075-RJUMYV
Prada Double Cashmere Scarf Grå | 470-TPOKNE
Prada Cashmere Scarf Svarte | 792-OCQLJZ
Prada Double Cashmere Scarf Marineblå | 768-XGDVSR
Prada Camel Hair Scarf Brune | 958-MBXVWN